Monday, December 14, 2009

I'm in a funk today. Trying to use good music to lift the clouds. It was a fun weekend with new music artists discovered and savored, as well as familiar ones appreciated. The Christmas tree is partially decorated. I love the warm light a Christmas tree gives out and will often leave it on all night.

Image courtesy of

How many does it take to build a bridge?
Just two, if they want to.
How many does it take to start a war?
Just Three. Has to be a winner.
How many does it take to reach the moon?
Everyone Everywhere.
And how many does it take to change it all?
Just one.
Just you.
Affecting change...
It takes a glimmer of a thought from one person (just you) to start the energy moving for change, but it takes the tribe to complete it. It's really easy to quote the songs, or even to sing them. What's tough is trying to make positive changes when the tribe is scattered in so many directions.

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